Do you think engaging in nostalgia is a pleasant escape into memories and an acceptance of our history or a fruitless attempt to relive the past in order to avoid dealing with the stress and responsibilities of the present.
Do you think engaging in nostalgia is a pleasant escape into memories and an acceptance of our history or a fruitless attempt to relive the past in order to avoid dealing with the stress and responsibilities of the present.
Guys i got an ipod nano and a blog in the same week i'm so mf y2k it hurts.
Not to get into it right away on a project that's supposed to be fun escapism but my weird sudden adrenaline spike that happens at night has come back. It's like this thing in my brain that activates while i'm trying to go to bed and just pumps adrenaline and cortisol into my bloodstream for like 1.5 seconds making me panic and not be able to sleep. I can tell something's messed up with those hormones specifically because soon after it happens I'll feel that they've kinda depleted their reserves and I feel so unnaturally calm and happy.
It's definitely because of Trump and associates. I feel something big coming and it scares me that somehow my life is in someone else's hands. It scares me even more that the trans/queer people who I love are in more danger than I am.
This site is so under construction that it's not even funny.
There's something in the air that requires me to start a blog.